These automocars are the answer to a question that nobody asked. For what they gain in velocity versus horse, they lose in malodorous clouds of vile smoke, the lacking of personality of interaction between horse and rider, the visceral feel of a thousand pounds of equine muscle, the sounds and the smells are wholly unmatchable! It is to laugh! They do not fuel themselves by merely stopping anywhere with fresh grass and running water. Wheras the automocars require a stop at that rare pharmacy that carries the noxious liquid "fuel" they require to operate, so few and far between so that you are inevitably left to be stranded. Then there is the need for roadways to be paved, which will cost many millions of dollars to make useful and taxpayers will balk at the unnecessary expense. The make moot that most vital of connections between the trail and the rider. To "drive" an automocar is to not truly know the path on which you travel. The rocks! The very dirt and gravel all! Automocar riders I have met lack even the very desire for such knowledge! No, these will never succeed for no true horse enthusiast will ever even consider them.